
From The Secret Daily Teachings

Be creative and use powerful actions in line with what you want. If you want to attract the perfect partner, then make room in your closet. If you want to attract a new house, then tidy up your current house so it is ready for easy packing. If you want to take a trip then get out your suitcases, surround yourself with pictures of the location, and put yourself in the pictures.

Think about what you would do if you had your desire, and then take creative actions that make it clear you are receiving it now.



From The Secret Daily Teachings

It is not enough to know the principles in The Secret - you must DO them, unceasingly, every single day. You must LIVE the principles. Step by step you will become the master of your thoughts and feelings, and the master of your life.
There is nothing more important than this, because your whole future life relies on you.

光是知道祕密法則是不夠的 -- 你必須行動,每一天都不間斷。你必須和法則同在。你會一步一步成為你思想和感覺的主人,也會主宰你的生命。沒有什麼事比這個更重要了,因為你整個未來人生就仰賴你了。



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