

(文末有註明出處及原文 Here listed the website of original article at the bottom of this post)


你的信念對你的生活方式影響可能比你認為的還要大:從你的體格尺寸,到你身材結實的程度,到你最常吃的食物 - 還有更多層面。






一旦你確定錯誤或受限的信念,開始對自己說一個新故事來轉變。畢竟,這是你現存的信念 - 這是你多年來告訴自己的故事。





If You Believe It, It's True

Your beliefs have a lot more to do with your lifestyle than you may think; everything from your body size to your level of fitness to the types of food you eat most often - and more.

Basically, everything you do or don't do in life is based on a set of beliefs that support the actions. For example, you may have always avoided exercise because you kept telling yourself you didn't like it. Or you may have told yourself since childhood that you don't enjoy eating vegetables.

Questioning and examining these beliefs is important because you may find that they have been holding you back from achieving your health goals.

Spend time each day exploring your beliefs about yourself, your body, your health, and everything else related to your current goals. Write down what you believe to be true about these things.

Your list might look something like this: "It's hard for me to lose weight because I have a slow metabolism. I never lose weight on low fat diets, only low carb. I inherited my mother's genes; she's overweight just like me."

As you write these things down, think carefully about them and consider whether they are really true or not. You may be surprised to discover that some of these beliefs are misleading or downright false.

Once you identify a false or otherwise limiting belief, begin changing it by telling yourself a new story. After all, that's exactly what your existing beliefs are - stories you have been telling yourself for years!

Your new story might go something like this: "I can create a slender, healthy body by eating delicious foods and performing physical activities that feel good to me. For me, weight loss is a positive, enjoyable, easy process. Maintaining my weight loss will be even easier because I am so attuned to exactly what my body needs at any given time."

As you change the stories you tell yourself, you change your own behaviors and ultimately, your results!

Today's affirmation:
I believe that losing weight can be easy and fun.


the article originally from the following website:




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