Allow Abundance
不嫌棄就加減看看吧 ^^
很多人會在持續的視覺化中被他們所需要的結果「要如何」顯化困住,而不是專注在結果本身。每件事「要如何」呈現是由宇宙決定的。你的工作就只是專注在你渴望的最終結果。例如,不要視覺化你夢想房屋用何種方式出現 - 而是視覺化你已經住在你夢想屋子裡了。不要視覺化收到更多錢的方法 - 而是視覺化你自己已經擁有你要的錢了。專注在最終的結果、最終的結果、最終的結果。
當你專注在最終的結果,要確定你會產生大量正面的情緒!當你在視覺化中渴望你要的結果時,要感到興奮、熱情、渴求、感恩、愉悅 - 不管是哪種對你最自然流露的正面感受都要如此。如果你很難產生這些正面情緒,或許是你並沒有專注在能讓你的活力流動的正確層面。那麼試著專注在會讓你感到良好的渴求事物的另一層面看看。你或許也需要增加你視覺化時間的長度 - 有時候短暫數分鐘是不足夠讓好情緒流動的。試個10-15分鐘。
3) 要從「需要」徹底脫離
如果視覺化曾對你沒什麼幫助,試著在日常中加入這些步驟來了解 - 感覺 - 其中的差異!
The Right Way to Visualize
Have you been trying to use visualization to manifest more abundance in your life? If so, has it been working well for you?
Visualization is one of those techniques that really needs to be done correctly to be effective. The problem is, not many people understand the correct way to do it! If you are unsure about it too, below I'm going to share 3 helpful tips on using visualization the right way so you can make it work better for you:
1) Visualize the Outcome
A lot of people get stuck when they keep visualizing "how" their desired outcomes manifest, rather than focusing on the outcomes themselves! HOW everything unfolds is up to the universe. Your job is to just focus on the final outcome you desire. For example, don't visualize the WAY your dream home comes to you - visualize already living in your dream home. Don't visualize the means for receiving more money - visualize yourself already having the money you want. Focus on the end result, end result, end result.
2) Positive Emotion
As you focus on the end result, be sure you are generating a lot of positive emotion! Feel excited, passionate, eager, grateful, joyful - whatever positive feelings are most natural to you as you visualize your desired outcome. If you have trouble generating those positive emotions, you may not be focusing on the right aspects that really get your juices flowing. Try focusing on another aspect of your desire that DOES make you feel good. You may also need to extend the length of your visualization sessions - sometimes a few short minutes isn't enough to get the good feelings flowing. Try 10-15 minutes.
3) Be Completely DETACHED from any "NEED"
One of the biggest mistakes you can make with visualizing is being very attached to the outcome and trying to use visualization to "make it happen". That's not the purpose of visualization! The purpose of visualization is to move you into a relaxed, enjoyable state of feeling like you ALREADY HAVE your desired outcome. That activates the Law of Attraction to send it to you because your outer world is just a reflection of your INNER world.
If you try to force something to come to you by "forceful visualizing," it won't work. You'll just create a bunch of resistance that holds it back. But if you take a "softer" approach and visualize because it makes you feel good, you become receptive to the outcome you want manifesting effortlessly.
If visualization hasn't done much for you in the past, try adding these steps to your routine and see - and FEEL - the difference! :-)
Wishing you immense abundance in every area of your life!
Wendy Betterini
original artical is from below: